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Anodos trusteewhat


Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.0 hour

Recorded DateDecember 5, 2016
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaOther
Course LevelIntermediate
Course Description

So, you’re a CPA and a Trustee. You said "Yes" when your client asked "Will you serve as my successor trustee?" We don’t need to belabor why you said yes or whether you regret saying yes or if your partners are happy about your decision. What's done is done. Now, the settlor is dead and you are the trustee. And for that you will receive treasures in heaven… and consternation here on earth, because the beneficiaries whom you serve don’t yet trust or know you.

This course will help trustees save time, reduce their personal risk, and fulfill their duties of care. A governance process will be presented which meets each of a trustee’s duties of care under the Prudent Investor Act:

Learning Objectives

  • Duty to have a plan.

  • Duty to balance risk and return.

  • Duty to diversify.

  • Duty to pay only reasonable fees.

  • Duty to prudently delegate.

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Michael, MO

"This was one of the best, well organized & most informative CPE presentations (webinar or otherwise) that I have ever attended, & I have been doing this kind of work for decades & attended many. Highest rating Josh is extremely well informed, very experienced, highly personable & has obviously done his homework. His presentation style is quite engaging & completely on point. His presentation provides a super roadmap (& therefore a checklist) of CYA (Cover Your Assets) duties that will help those of us serving as Trustees to actually be able to always do our duties & create a paper / audit trail to prove we have acted prudently & in good faith. Love the statement that there is no one right answer - just a right process. I plan to share parts of it with my clients to help inform them of the complexities, particularly the overview charts early on."
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Betty, AZ

"This speaker was extremely informative! I learned a lot and will be sharing this with colleagues. The information provided not only helps those who are trustees it helps those who provides guidance to those that are about what their responsibilities are and how to make sure they are meeting their fiduciary responsibilities."
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Ellen, VA

"This webinar blew me away - it was so useful! I've listened to approximately 75-80 webinars over the course of the last 3 years, and none have come close to the practical and useful information of this webinar. In one hour, I learned more than I've learned in all the other webinars together. Thank you Josh Yager!"
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John, FL

"This was one of the best webinars I ever participated in. The presenter was excellent and the information was valuable. Trying to decide if the trust area is an area to expand my practice. Excellent synopsis of what needs to occur in this arena."
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John, CO

"This is one of the best hour's of CPE I have spent in 30+ years. It put my recently appointed role of trustee in context and not only answered some burning questions that I had, but has given me a road map for moving forward."
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Mary, AR

"This was a helpful webinar. I am only the trustee for my parents' trust, but I felt like I learned some things that will help me there and if I ever take on any more fiduciary roles in the future."
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Susan, GA

"This is one of the best programs in which I have participated. The presenter is knowledgeable and personable, and he covered the areas that are critical to the course participants."
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James, NJ

"Josh Yager is one of the best presenters I have heard. Although this webinar did not apply much to my practice, his expertise and presentation is absolutely the best!"
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Josh Yager is a recognized content expert on the issues of fiduciary duties relating to the management and oversight of trust assets. He lectures extensively on the policies and procedures for conducting investment manager audits to CPAs, attorneys, and professional fiduciaries throughout the country. Josh is Managing Partner at Anodos Advisors and a licensed attorney. Prior to founding Anodos in 2005, Josh worked for fifteen years as an investment advisor with Mercer Advisors. Josh likes to read books about dead presidents.

About Our Presenter

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Anodos helps trustees (ERISA, Individual, and Endowment) save time, reduce their personal risk, and fulfill their fiduciary duties. We do this by helping the trustee conduct audits of the money managers to whom investment duties have been delegated. We help our clients answer the question "Are the investment managers and consultants as good as they claim to be?" Fiduciaries have an affirmative duty to provide ongoing and independent oversight of the money managers. What makes us unique is that we do not manage money or sell insurance. Doing fiduciary audits, benchmarking studies, and performance attribution is all we do.